Circumnavigating the entire Thames Valley Region in a kayak is tough – but imagine doing it in the dark. That’s exactly what Phoebe and her friend, Thames Valley Air Ambulance’s (TVAA) doctor, John Pike did on September 29, 2019 in their ‘Night Vision Challenge’.

To raise awareness about the life-saving night operations that the critical care team regularly provide, the pair kayaked 300-miles (the total circumference of the distance the TVAA covers) in a specially made Air Ambulance kayak.

Taking in some of Britain’s most iconic waterways – including the River Thames, Grand Union Canal, Oxford Canal and Kennet and Avon Canal – and a night hike over the Uffington White Horse (see map below), John and Phoebe paddled throughout the night starting on Sunday, 29 Sept – until Thursday, 10 Oct, 2019, sleeping wild by day, and using only what they could fit into their kayak.

“Navigational challenges, lack of daylight, tough weather conditions and extreme physical and mental fatigue are just some of the difficulties faced by Air Ambulance teams every single shift,” says John. “The Night Vision Challenge we undertook waqs been designed to mimic these conditions for myself and Phoebe to highlight the vital work that TVAA do over such a vast patch of the country with no Government funding, relying solely on donations from the public.”

During the day John and Phoebe delivered pop-up talks around the region sharing tales of their adventures and giving insight into a day in the life of the Air Ambulance. They revealed their locations daily (and nightly) on social media using the free location app, what3words (who partnered with TVAA in August 2019) to encourage the public in the three counties to download it, as it can be vital for the teams to quickly locate casualties in a precise 3x3 metre square, anywhere in the country.

As a writer, Phoebe used the words generated by what3words each day to create a special Night Vision Challenge poem to share on social media.

“There’s a really serious message behind our Challenge, but I love that  this life-saving app was also used to help people meet up – for talks and to spot us night-kayaking on the beautiful British waterways,” explains Phoebe. “It’s was a tough undertaking, but telling the Air Ambulance story through a journey that took10 nights, but which the helicopter could cover in just 45minutes, helped people understand the vitally important role it plays in our community.”

Phoebe recorded the Night Vision Challenge for her Wander Woman Travel Podcast, Season 1. Have a listen and immerse yourself into the waterway by downloading the episode - also features legendary travel author Bill Bryson.